Author: Jay

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Jay Immanuel is a writer and chief editor at Skulboyz. He has over 5 years' experience in teaching, blogging and writing. He hopes to use his platform here to provide relevant education information to search queries of users.

International Relations is a relatively popular course of choice for Nigerian students who majored in Arts subjects in secondary school. Candidates who are interested in the scientific study of nations including behavioral interactions between countries will be keen to study International Relations as that is what the course is basically about. In this article, we shall look at the approved WAEC subjects’ combination needed to study International Relations. International Relations as a Profession in Nigeria In Nigeria, a career in international relations offers the chance to keep friendly diplomatic ties between nations, head off international conflicts, and ensure that governments…

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Nigerian universities offer a wide array of courses that can be studied in their institutions; some of these courses can be classified as professional courses while some do not make that cut. The best course to study in Nigeria is highly dependent on the individual but in this list, we would be looking at the courses that already have a wide acceptance by many Nigerians to be the best to study in a Nigerian university. In reality, no course in Nigeria can be described as the best course to study in the country. However, there are some courses that actually…

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