The 2024 Harvard Academy Scholars Program in the USA offers an unrivaled opportunity for ambitious scholars in search of a financed academic adventure. The program underscores the importance of interdisciplinary research and international perspectives, making it a distinguished platform for scholars to undertake leading-edge research at the acclaimed Harvard University. From political science to sociology, scholars have the opportunity to explore a plethora of fields, all while working alongside esteemed faculty members. With comprehensive financial backing, the program ensures that scholars can concentrate solely on their research, promoting the progression of knowledge. Don’t miss this chance to become a part of the Harvard Academy Scholars Program and set sail on a rewarding academic expedition.
Apply today via this Application Link. The application deadline is 09/22/2023.
- Doctoral candidates in the social sciences or law who have obtained their PhD or a comparable professional degree recently.
- Open to all international students.
- Doctoral candidates must be engaged in the thesis writing phase at the time of application submission.
- Doctoral candidates who complete their studies by the end of September 2019 are also eligible.
- Postdoctoral Academy Scholars receive an annual stipend of $75,000.
- Scholars get a two-year residence at the esteemed Harvard Academy for International and Area Studies.
- Additional financial assistance for research and travel expenses will be provided on top of the annual stipend.
- Scholars are granted research assistance.
- The program covers the cost of medical insurance.
Join the Harvard Academy Scholars Program and tap into a world of opportunity, knowledge, and growth! Remember, applications close on 09/22/2023.